Wonder Kidz
Michelin Baby Milestone
- Sekarang dah pandai grasp objects using his hand dan hold them firmly.
- Put him in his walker. Now he can move forward. He's able to come to you. 1st tym on his walker (3mths+), he stepped backwards.
- Already know how to differentiate different kinds of expression: He will cry if he hears loud voices or people shouting coz he would probably think you are angry with him. If we laugh at him, he will surely laugh back!
- Farid had started off with apple juice once a day. Start date: 17 Nov, 2008. He likes apple juice a lot! Introduced him with local sweet orange (limau manis tempatan) on 29 Nov, 2008. He doesn't really like it! But, will try to give him again until he's familiar with the new taste.
- It's time to get dirty and messy with baby food!! Start date: 30 Nov, 2008. Tiga suap jerr with mashed potato.
DST Carnival
Menunggu bas di ubd parking area
What Faris enjoyed most was naik bus from ubd parking area to the event place. Not the 1st tym though. But still, I considered myself belum puas to ride on the bus... Uh hu... Hari yang panas, and looked like it's going to rain, apa lagi.. bawa payung lahh...
After the show...
woody, toy story..
Oh, by the way, I didn't have the chance to play bouncer coz it was splashed wiv water and mama said it would be dangerous for me to join all the big kidss.. Sia-sia pun... Maybe some other time... Wanted to try the flying fox, but babah was not allowed to accompany me... So, pendamkan saja lah hasrat ku atu... I was a bit scared to fly on my own...
Before we left, sempat gak ordered burger at Ahad's corner, hmm fav umi kali tu ah... Dalam menunggu atu, ada lah satu creature yang besar ani... rasa-rasanya aku pernah nampak ni dulu.... Kenapa ramai org berminat kan begambar dengan nya?? Aku heran lah.. coz aku takut kan dakat2 arahnya... walaupun mama tarik2 aku untuk begambar... baik tah mama saja yang begambar..
Complimentary from simpur booth..
Begambar bersama banner of my fav disney cartoon..
Toys & Gifts
Santai di EasyWay

K3MaRiN & 2DaY