Farid: January 2009

Posted as: Mama

Sorry coz lama dah nda updates.. Neway, as promised, wlwpun lama dah ketinggalan, the memories are still fresh in mom's mind. How Farid spent in January??

1st Hospitalisation

Gara-gara salah makan antibiotik, Farid had to be admitted in Tutong hospital untuk di observe. Beria ayer for few times a day (for 2 dys). Becoz of this, Farid had the worst ever nappy rash. Due to the admission in hospital, Farid tak berapa lah nak tidur... Asyik nak nangis jerrr... So, cough n flu pun developed gak... X-ray was done to this little boy.. Doctor confirmed he had minor lung infection. So, he had to be given nebulisers to clear off his wheezing sounds... Huh?? Sejarah abang berulang lagi... Kadang tepikir gak, why my kids had to go through all this??

Knowing Farid, dia tak nangis banyak tym nebbing. Alhamdulilah, he's really a good boy. Stayed at hospital for 3nites, pastu balik rumah dah wlwpun not fully recovered.


1st haircut this year at one of the hair saloons in Tutong. Mulanya, Farid tahan2 jer... Mama pun siuk ambil gambar. But, after a while, Farid dah tak leh nak tahan... Nangis sampai nda mo beranti!! That thing shakes lah.. Apa benda nye tu?? Tak biasalah... Paksa lah mama pujuk Farid... Next tym, we better go to Indian hair saloon jer... 


Motor Development

It's a bit lagging but hey... go slow and steady.  Nothing to be rushed... And still remember advices from the experts, we don't force, we encourage, baby may skip some motor skills. Not to worry too much!!
  • He can sit already but of course with assistance and support.
  • Rolling over and over.
Language Development
  • Pays increasing attention to speech and it seems that he understands what you say.
  • Knows to use exclamation 'ehhh'. Used to call people and when he wants something at your hands and wants you to give it to him.
Social/Emotional Development
  • Cries when you leave. Part ani yang susah nak pegi keje... Kekadang, mesti bawa naik keta, bawa him raun-raun jap, baru dapat jalan keje...
  • Extends his arms and leg to help himself get dressed.