Bday Preparation

Faris dah tak sabar-sabar nak celebrate bday nya kat skool. This afternoon mama siap packed goodies ~ Faris asyik nak minta jerr minum n makan.. Kata mama, if abg kan abiskan semua nie, nda pyh tah sambut bday di skulah... Terus tak minta lagie... Dah lah mama beli ngam-ngam... 

Bday cake dah tempah kemarin kat Le Apple... Biasalah Faris nie... Batman, Ultraman, Spiderman, Power Rangers, Ben 10... susah plak buat pilihan semua nak... Reminded him that his invitation card suruh mama buat Batman. So, mama babah suggested him pilih kek Batman. 

Invitation card awal dah siap.. Nak print jerr lagie.. 

Hope everything goes well... Almaklum, 1st tym sambut kat skulah.. Sayangnya tym bulan posa... Kesian teachers kat sana...

Farid 1st Bday & Chanteeq 2nd Bday

KL trip

Nazurah's Bday

It was an advanced bday for Kaka, celebrated at school on the 28th of Feb, 2009. Fuh.. sorry for late posting of dis memories on ayisayid's blog. But, neway, they need to be posted so that when dey all grew up, the histories, memories can be refreshed from here...

Ohh how dissapointed Kaka Bb when she saw her cake.. Mamangah pun didn't expect it turned out to be like dis.. True lah kaka, didn't look like princess to us.. with dat lips... uhh sooo horrible!! dat's y no more next tym from dat shop!! Kan mamangah dah suruh order kat Le Apple jerrr...


oso schoolmate..

after doa by all de kids, their teachers started to serve them...

tchr salwa distributed drinks..

napalah faris looked like dis? mcm nada semangat...

dis cutie gal alwez angkatkan beg faris...

eating cake session..

dey loved it!!

group photo... tengok lah them when babah faris suruh pose!!

tak sempat ambik gmbr all her presents from schoolmates... penuh bunet keta & simpan kat passenger seat gak!

aiiikksss... berminat dgn hadiah kak neh... huhu..

Us 2

Berjinak-jinak dengan air

Faris Main Air

Excen saja.. kata kan swimming p mcm bukan jaaa......


Posted as: Mama

Nama timangan dari umie.... Everytime panggil nama tu, mesti menoleh... so, melekattt lah nama tu pat ayid.. Tengok lah ayid.. dah pandai liat kamera... hmmm.... ada rapan jadi model babah n abang ne....

tgn berbungkus coz chix pox... tkt ayid hisap calamine tu...
bibir atu... belabih eee...

senyum kit...

so kiutttt.... like dis photo..

It's time... wake up early every morning xcept on friday and sunday.... arggghhhh.... ari2 aku nangis pagi.. nangis kan bangun, nangis kan mandi... tapi lapas lapas school break ne, me dah jadi gud boy... no more tears in the morning... 

Anelah suasana hari pertama di skool:

Bekeradut jua dahi atu ah...

enjin stat dah ne...

buking tempat duduk....

kaka mmg gud gal... penjaga ku.. n reporter ku..

my classroom n my teacher...

My new year gift

On the 3rd of Jan, I've got a surprise gift from mama n babah.... Wawa Salwa brought all de way from Australia.... Tym handed over to mama (I wasn't there), I heard Wawa Salwa sampai tepelicuk and kaki kuar darah.... 

Now dah tak kacau kamera babah g... coz mine is juz like babah... gambar2 pun dapat di transfer and save. And, I'm using a 2GB SD card... click click jerr sampai sangal jua tangan... 

Hobby terbaru saya... menggambar babah nini tidur, nini berkamban2 kan mandi... ish dahsyat dahsyat... Beware all of u out there!!  Lubang idung pun bleh jadi objek... namanya praktis kan kan...