This was my 1st ever going out from Brunei... Went 2 KK. I slept at the airport, simpan energy untuk prepare ke negeri orang.

Arrived KK at around 5pm.. It was a short journey from Brunei to KK. Sesampai di hotel, apa lagi?? tukar pampers Farid lah n rest :)

center: I'm on the plane!!
Couldn't sleep well last nite. Dat's y I woke up early!! Am hungry...

Went 2 1Borneo. Managed to pusing2 4 only half-day... Sempat g sleep, menyusu, mengusut while waiting 4 abang 2 finish playing at Boo2 land (batah x ah).

While jalan2 sana, terjumpa kengkawan mama - anti hjh k n anti eirna... nah me kana suruh begmbr wiv abg sebulan ku....

Nite tym, I just stayed at hotel wiv bb icah.. Mama, babah n abg Faris pegi dine out!! Me tak larat nak kuar2... asyik nangis2 jerr! Tak biasa lah tidur ku terganggu.. bila lah nak balik Brunei ne?
Same like yesterday, still couldn't lelapkan mata ku... I missed my bed so badly... Tengok lah betapa unhappy ku kat hotel ne... tak syok lah!!

Petang, I stayed at hotel again... Mama belikan aku keta kecil... n caterpillar!! Caterpillar terlalu besar utk masuk mulut ku.. so, aku tak minatz nak main...kusut ku jadinya!!
Hari yang ditunggu2 dah tiba.... Off to Brunei, yahoooooooo.......
Pictures of your boys are adorable!
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